Successful Business Transformations are Massively Human

Transformations Need Rethinking What transformation is underway to make your business more successful? Whether you are seeking to unlock new market opportunities, pursue growth, shift how you deliver value to your customers or create new efficiencies, consider the following realities: To keep up with rapidly evolving business contexts, the pace…

How Leadership Circles Create Business Impact

How do Leadership Circles create business impact? This interview is a real story of how transformational learning inspired one leader to take action and create new value for BNSF Railway, a Warren Buffett company. Done in the right way, personal and professional growth enables leaders to take on new challenges…

How Leadership Circles Create Real Transformation

In this video, New Vantage Senior Consultant, Jim Hurlburt tells his story of how Leadership Circles at BNSF Railway, a Warren Buffett company, led to changed people, changed leaders and a tangible improvement in the business.  This journey was key for Jim taking a new step in his career in…

The Empowerment Challenge

With ongoing uncertainty and change, post-pandemic leaders must help their employees make good decisions quickly. With heightened levels of stress, leaders must help overcome the challenge of indecision by leading with “mission command” principles.  In short, it’s about sharing power. The result will lead to greater organizational responsiveness.

The Burnout Challenge

Workers are dealing with new and more compounded stressors than ever, dependent on leaders who, themselves, are feeling on the verge of burnout. We introduce this challenge, part of our Post-Pandemic Leadership program, and talk about what leaders can do to become more aware of this tough issue to prevent…

Rounding the Corner: Helping Leaders Adapt for an Unpredictable Ride

Mindsets for a New Year and a New Normal Organizations everywhere are grappling with how to transform themselves in light of the new business realities. For many, it’s been about fighting to survive and for others, it’s about keeping up with new growth opportunities. The business environment continues to rapidly…

Inspiring Workplace Culture: Building Organizations That Unlock Employee Potential

The Common Workplace Reality The team sits down in their predictable spots around the table in a windowless meeting room, flanked on either side by their coffees and buzzing smartphones that serve to divert scarce attention to other urgent matters. Most haven’t seen much of each other since the last…

6 Key Considerations When Implementing Change in Your Organization

Transforming an organization is like putting together a jigsaw puzzle – a series of interconnected pieces must be placed together with care in order for the final picture to materialize. But unlike a puzzle, in an organization these pieces aren’t cardboard cutouts – they’re real people with their own priorities,…

Building a Strong Sense of Community

Great leaders understand the power of community building, not just business building. This segment is about the importance of inspiring a strong sense of community. When leaders create communities they renew institutions and organizations, and help people connect with a common cause. The impact creates a self-renewing energy for the…

Servant Leadership

What is your attitude toward those you lead? In this segment we contend that a servant leader mindset is at the heart of transformational leadership. The core motivation to lead – either focusing on benefiting others or benefiting oneself, drives all else. What kind of leader will you be?
